

After years of brutal war in the Crusades Robin Hood, son of a wealthy Lord, returns home to England with his curious Moor companion Azeem only to find that his father has been accused of witchcraft and murdered, his land has been seized, and the entire county of Nottingham has been ravaged with taxes by the evil Sheriff and his pitiless band of knights.

By acquiring large sums of currency from the peasants of Nottingham, the Sheriff hopes to bribe King Richard’s enemies and powerful Barons to unite against him in a powerful alliance that would no doubt supplant the unsuspecting King. The only person that stands in his way is the battle hardened Robin of Loxley. By swearing an oath to avenge his father’s murder, Robin Hood sets out to obstruct the Sheriff’s plan by “robbing the rich to feed the poor”. He enlists the aid of a soiled band of peasants living in the haunted Sherwood Forest in order to carry out his rebellion, and in the process he falls in love with the beautiful Maid Marion, his late best friends’ sister. Protected by the ghostly barriers of Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood builds an army of civilians to counter the Sheriff.

Fearing King Richards return, the Sheriff acquires the aid of ruthless mercenaries from the North in order to crush Robin Hood once and for all. He succeeds… Outnumbered and outmatched, Robin’s rebellion fails. But in a last effort to end the struggle for freedom, Robin Hood constructs an assault on the castle with the help of his closest companions, and in an epic dual Robin defeats the evil Sheriff with one swift stroke to the heart. Order is restored to Nottingham, King Richard returns from the Crusades with his throne intact, and Robin Hood marries Maid Marion.










Family Entertainment Center: EUPHORIA/ COMFORT

Retailtainment: PLEASURE/ LEISURE





Robin Hood

-Goal: Robin Hood’s goal is to liberate his homeland from the tyrants that have plundered it.

-Strengths and Weaknesses: Robin is a battle hardened veteran of the crusades and is skilled in the art of combat. His resolve to end the suffering of his people is coupled by his compassion and aspirations of a family. He has a sensitive side that allows him to make decisions based on what is right and what comes from his heart. His fervent desire to lead and make war with the Sheriff drove many of his future followers away in the beginning.

-Relationships: His best friend was killed during their escape from a prison in Jerusalem. Azeem has since then taken his place. His greatest love lies with Maid Marion, who at first did not approve of his return. Their unpleasant childhood relationship leaves her feeling skeptical at first. But her love for him will eventually rival his love for her.

-Transformation: He transforms from a boy eager to make change to a mature man whose patience and consistency win out over all.

Sheriff of Nottingham

-Goal: The Sheriff’s goal is driven by greed. His appetite for power has exploded onto the national scene, for he ultimately seeks to rule the entire country of England.

-Strengths and Weaknesses: He is a very persistent and stubborn man, stopping at nothing to achieve his goal. He risks life and limb to ensure a future of power. Not only is he a psychologically strong person, but he is also a physically strong person too, for he provides Robin Hood with his most difficult battle. His weakness is underestimation. He underestimates the power of the people, dismissing them as mere peasants with pitchforks who impart no real threat to his plan. But after months of conflict, he is ultimately proven wrong.

-Relationships: In terms of intimacy, he has no real love in his life; only the love for himself. His closest supporter was his cousin, who he eventually murders for not carrying out his orders. His lust for power has driven away everyone around him. His desire to wed Maid Marion is based solely on the fact that by doing so his offspring would be of royal blood and thus render him a legal ruler.

-Transformation: The Sheriff transforms from power hungry individual, to a psychopathic power hungry individual. In this sense, he becomes even more detached from reality as the story progresses.


-Goal: to fulfill his vow by protecting Robin Hood in his most desperate hour. Of course, this is just the explicit goal; the implicit goal is to ultimately insure the survival and freedom of the peasants that he comes to love as brothers and sisters.

-Strengths and Weaknesses: Azeem is the most stable character in the entire story. His earth based religion forces him to act politely, courageously, lovingly, and with compassion. Like Robin Hood (and even more so), he is battle hardened and physically fit.

-Relationships: His closest relationship is with Robin Hood. Robin saved his life in Jerusalem, and so he follows him until he can repay the favor. This event bonds the two together. His religion, at first, is viewed as barbarism. This simple fact distances him from the people of Nottingham. But through their trials and tribulations, this barrier is eventually broken.

-Transformation: Azeem’s transformation comes when he realizes that he is there for more than just protecting Robin Hood. After seeing the hardships Nottingham has been put under, Azeem changes his scope of protection to fit those he comes to admire.


Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest is rich with green and brown colors. Its earthly hue is symbolic in the fact that it provides shelter for Robin Hood and his rebels who are grounded in nature. Even the cloths they wear match that of Mother Nature almost as though they are one and the same. The weapons too are constructed from nature. Robin reaffirms this idea of nature’s bond with the rebels when he said, “what don’t we have that the forest cannot provide?”

Nottingham Castle

Nottingham Castle on the other hand is man made symbolizing the Sheriff’s desire to conquer all, including nature itself. The blacks, whites, and grays that radiate from the stone fortress and clothing give off a dull and dreary persona. Nature eventually wins out over the artificiality of Nottingham Castle.


The opening scene. We realize that this story is taking place during the crusades, and Robin Hood has been imprisoned by his enemies. Here, we see the courage, skill, and compassion of Robin the warrior, and we also meet Azeem, one of the central characters.

-Inciting incident:
Robin returns to his home only to find that his father has been murdered. From this incident, Robin swears that he will avenge his father, thus propelling us forward.

Robin Hood constructs a rebellion to counter the forces of evil lead by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Robin Hood goes face to face in an epic battle that will ultimately decide the winner.

With the Sheriff dead, the people of Nottingham are free and Robin Hood marries his love.